Community Health Initiative

Faith Community Health Initiative (FACHI)

The Faith Community Health Initiative (FACHI) Maryland is a collaborative community based model between Health Kiosk for All and Concerted Care Foundation to equip and empower communities of faith, organizations, schools, youth and women groups to enhance the quality of health outcomes of blacks, minorities and people of color in the State of Maryland and other States through promotion of health information, education and communications, patient literacy, education on self-management, ensuring adequate health screening, protocols and hygiene practices, case identification and linkages through referrals to healthcare systems for care and recovery.

The FACHI Outcomes

Faith Community Empowerment & Ownership are increased, and communities are effectively engaged and supported to lead health including COVID-19 responses

Innovative Approaches and Partnerships Across Local Health Systems Providers to Enhance Community COVID-19 Prevention, Response and Recovery including links to Clinical Care.

Effective Linkages Are Established Between Church Congregation Communities and Health Systems.

Improving Health Awareness, Promoting Wellness & Health Outcomes
COVID-19 Pandemic & Social Distancing

In the current COVID-19 pandemic, maintaining social distance in patient evaluation becomes more critical in the prevention of transmission of the infection. The Health Kiosk will assist in facilitating the process of patient-intake through self-check Health Kiosk machines will enhance patients and clinical staff time efficiency in health care delivery.

Research Findings

A survey of health needs in faith communities in the Maryland with membership size between 100 to more than 500 revealed that in all the participating churches, their members had health problems including:
Members have had high blood pressure
Have had Sugar Diabetes
Have had arthritis
Reported obesity, high cholesterol, and heart disease
Have had COVID-19
Have substance abuse

The Health Kiosk Technology Program

The overall purpose of the Health Kiosk program is to improve patient and health care provider experience in optimizing access to health information, screening and services through self-check for blood pressure, heart rate, weight, body mass index (BMI), screen for common illnesses, to promote wellness and enhance health seeking behaviors.


  • Identity, establish entry points to care and deploy Health Kiosk self-check screening machines, products and services to enhance patients and health care providers experience,
  • Improve patient-healthcare provider encounters at health facilities,
  • Reduce workload for health professionals and optimize service delivery
  • Improve long term health outcomes and healthy seeking behaviours for patients and their families.

Impact & Value Proposition

  • Identity, establish entry points to care and deploy Health Kiosk self-check screening machines, products and services to enhance patients and health care providers experience,
  • Improve patient-healthcare provider encounters at health facilities,
  • Reduce workload for health professionals and optimize service delivery
  • Improve long term health outcomes and healthy seeking behaviours for patients and their families.

International Market Survey

In an international market survey among healthcare providers and users of the Health Kiosk technology we found that: 

Expressed extremely/very likelihood to replace their current patient intake process with Health Kiosk Machines
Were extremely/very likely to rely on the accuracy of the results from the Health Kiosk Machines
Were extremely/very likely to recommend the Health Kiosk Machine to others.
Found the Health Kiosk Machines to be innovative/extremely innovative
Opinion of Respondents on the use of the Health Kiosk Machine
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